My Favorite Thing About #Halloween Is…

Today, I did my usual read through of blogs I follow and saw that Vespertine House was doing a little giveaway! If you do not follow Vespertine House, you can stop reading this right now and go follow! Check out the original post here:

My favorite thing about Halloween is the spirit that comes along with it. scream

The feeling of joy when setting out the perfect jack-o-lantern. When you can open your windows and let in the cool autumn breeze. The feeling of seeing that the store has finally put out their Pumpkin scented candles. Driving around to see everyone’s decorations is a blast. Finally, the feeling of being normal for about a month.

And, watching scary movies, of course! What are some of your favorite things about Halloween?



  1. ☺️👏🏻💜🎃 brilliantly put, my creepy comrade!! I agree entirely! And it definitely does make normal a bit weird for a month! 💜🎃💜 I’m so glad you entered! I’ll be sharing your post on Instagram and Facebook if that’s alright! ☺️🎃


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