halloween blog

5 Movies to Get You Ready for ‘Lights Out’

Lights Out looks like a super creepy movie, and based on the 9/10 reviews I’m really hoping this movie is the horror flick we all deserve. If you haven’t seen the trailer, check it out:

This movie is based off a short film that was originally created by David Sandberg and Lotta Losten. It is just as creepy as the trailer for movie, so it’s no wonder why this is being made into a full on hollywood film!

I have come up with a list of creepy flicks and television shows to get you excited for Lights Out!

1. Are You Afraid of the Dark?

I must admit, as a child this show freaked me out. I have no clue what was going through the minds of the creators of this show, especially knowing children would be seeing this. Thanks to this show I had nightmares for ages. You can find the majority of episodes on YouTube.


2. Nightmare On Elm Street

This is a classic, but a must watch that will for sure make you scared of the dark. Especially, when trying to get some rest. If you have not seen this classic, then stop reading this and go find it somewhere and watch it. It’s about a serial killer named Freddy who haunts the dreams of teenagers and kills them. Definitely a movie to keep you up at night.

3. It Follows

This is one of the most eerie scary movies I’ve seen. In my opinion, I don’t consider it a “horror” film, but more of a thriller. It was uniquely created and I love it for how different it is. After watching this you’ll feel like something or someone may be following you…

4. Before I Wake

Before I Wake is your classic possessed child movie, but the story line behind it is pretty creepy. Of course, the movie itself could’ve been produced better but the fact that the boy’s dreams come true is kind of freaky.

5. Paranormal Activity

I only like the first Paranormal Activity movie. The rest of them are horribly cheesy, and even though the first one is too it’s the best one out of them all. The creepiest part, in my opinion, is the fact that Katie will just stand there and watch her husband sleep. A little creepy…

How to Have a Fun Halloween at Home!

Hi everyone! Happy Monday! Even though it is Monday, guess what? Halloween is only FIVE days away! I know right?! I have so much stuff to do, that I don’t know what to do first!

Halloween is my favorite day of the year, obviously. The thing is, though, I don’t like to go out on Halloween and party. In fact, I’d rather stay at home, hand out candy to kids, drink hot cocoa and indulge in horror movies. Is that weird? I don’t enjoy spending my whole night dealing with drunk people and convincing myself I’m having a good time. I love throwing Halloween parties, but this year it wasn’t really an option. My apartment is too small and I can’t take up more than one parking spot. I can’t turn up the music too loud… It didn’t work out. BUT, I’m still planning on doing some other things to have fun!

Have you entered for the first CREEPSTER giveaway yet?! Only FIVE days left! Check out our Instagram for more details https://instagram.com/creepsterblog/

Make Yourself Some Spooky Treats!
Go on pinterest and find some cool recipes to make on Halloween! There are literally so many options. You can have a full course Halloween dinner. My favorite treats to make are cupcakes. You can range from cute spooky to full on gruesome cupcakes. Don’t believe me?

Image Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/halloween/comments/3onk77/perfect_halloween_cupcakes/

Netflix & Spotify are Neccessary
Kick back and turn on some scary movies… The only downfall to watching scary movies on Netflix is that there are only select few classic movies on there. There are movies like Children of the Corn, Hellraiser, Babadook, etc. BUT, where is the original Halloween? Friday the 13th? Child’s Play? Not there. If you’re looking for those, then don’t go to Netflix. BUT, they do offer some creepy independent films. Check out the movie CREEP (really weird). Netlfix offers a good handful of scary movies, just missing some classics.
Another way to make Halloween more fun is to create yourself a Halloween mix on Spotify! I highly recommend Spotify and if you can come up with $10 a month for the Premium account, get it! It’s probably the only online subscription that I don’t regret. Here are just a few songs from my playlist:
Monster Mash- Bobby Pickett
If You Were Here- Thompson Twins
Black Out Days- Phantogram
Open- Com Truise
Two Of Hearts- Stacey Q
Feed My Frankenstein- Alice Cooper
Dragula- Rob Zombie
You Spin Me Round ( Like a Record)- Dead or Alive
Soap- Melanie Martinez
Living Dead Girl- Rob Zombie

And you all know the classic Halloween songs 😉

Read Short Stories
There are so many websites where you can sit and read spooky stories all day long! Here are some helpful links:




These links will surely give you more than enough scary stories to read. Just make sure to lock up your house afterwards and try not to over think 😉

Have A Crafty Night
While you’re watching movies and handing out candy, find something you can make while enjoying your night. Get those crotchet needles out and make a cute spooky scarf, make a haunted house, make some decorations! There are millions of ideas out there just waiting to be discovered. If you want some of my ideas, check out my Pinterest account (don’t forget to follow):

Enjoy it, Cause It’s Only Once a Year
That’s right. Sadly, Halloween is only once a year, but that is what makes it so special. Instead of worrying about what you’re going to wear to that party. Grab a glass of wine, sit down and watch movies on Netflix. Put on some tunes and do some crafts at your table. You can even invite a couple of friends over to help hand out candy and devour your handmade Halloween treats! It’s the only night of the year where you can really be who you are so just enjoy it!


New Page & Update!

Hi everyone! Hope you all are having a great October so far! I have some pretty neat things coming up in the next couple of weeks. I have a giveaway planned, a tour of my planner and other creepy cool things! One thing I’m very excited to be adding to Creepster is a new page called Creepster Lifestyle.

Creepster Lifestyle is where I will be posting more of my day-to-day blog posts. Pretty much more normal things about what’s going on in life or that have to do with living a creepy lifestyle will be on the page! It’ll be really cool to see the feedback from other creepy ladies like myself.

I’m also looking for contributors to my blog! I think it would be interesting to have more than one person write on CREEPSTER. What I’m looking for is: short spooky stories/poetry, creepy lifestyle posts, movie reviews, DIY, Halloween ideas or pictures, art/drawings and simply abstract creepy content! If you’re interested please e-mail me at: creepsterwordpress@gmail.com

I would like to have your name and two writing samples of yours! We’re excited to meet everyone! If you have any questions please ask us, as well! Let’s start a new chapter together!


7 Ways to Save Money During Halloween!

Hey guys! It’s been a while, so I apologize about the tiny hiatus.

I’m here today to give you all some tips and ideas when it comes to saving money during Halloween. I don’t know about you, but as soon as I see one store with Halloween stuff out, I have to go to all the stores! Then I spend a bunch of money on random stuff and am broke after about an hour of shopping. This is the first year that I have had to really budget out my Halloween spending and here is what I’ve learned so far.

Before you go buy a bunch of super expensive decorations, try to see if you can recreate it yourself and save money. Honestly, doing a project yourself only takes patience and the tools you need. You can create anything you want, even if you think you can’t. Just take your time and be patient. Plus, it feels so much better to set something out that you created rather than buying it off of a shelf. Unless, it’s something you honestly cannot make.

Don’t dedicate your money to one store. There are stores I didn’t even know carried Halloween stuff until I googled it. Make sure you look at all the stores in your area before getting a bunch of random stuff from Walmart. Trust me, Walmart is not the best place for Halloween decor. I found better stuff at Dollar Tree! Target also has some really cool things.

I’m planning on keeping most of my Halloween decorations out year round, but if you aren’t into that MAKE SURE you save your things. One thing, you’re wasting money and you can literally reuse it next year. Unless it doesn’t work or isn’t an option for the next year save your things! Even if you don’t like it, you may be able a way to transform it into something different.

Seriously, ask your family for old Halloween decorations they don’t want. You never know what you could find. My mom gave me an old pumpkin that still lights up and everything, it just needed cleaned up and I love it!


Decide how you want to decorate for the year. Creepy? Cute Spooky? Horror? Classic? Vintage? Decide how you want your place to look and only buy decoration that would fit into your theme. Do not purchase anything that you think wouldn’t be considered in your theme. It’s an easy way to be creative and also save money. BEWARE: You can still end up spending a lot of money even if you have a theme. This should control most of your impulse buys, but be careful about the overly priced items as well!

Check out some of your local garage sales. This is the time of year when people have them so take advantage of them! Even if something doesn’t have Halloween plastered all over it, look for some cool creepy things you can transform into Halloween decorations! Also, check out your Goodwill store! Normally, each store puts out their own little section during Halloween time, but you can also look for old creepy looking things at GW as well. (I got the things below at a garage sale! I only paid $1.50 for everything!)

Just because it is Halloween that doesn’t mean you have to go crazy and buy every little thing you see on the shelf. Buy what you really want! You will save money in the end by purchasing what you want versus buying every little cheap thing you saw in Target dollar section. Enjoy shopping and plan out your purchases before you go crazy. Trust me, I know first hand what the Halloween craze feels like.

Happy Shopping & Money Saving!
