horror movies

Don’t Breathe Review

Last night, I finally saw Don’t Breathe. I had been wanting to see it SO bad, but just haven’t had the time to go check it out. First, Jane Levy is amazing in this movie. I knew she would do a great job, based off of her role in the Evil Dead remake, but she really did a great job in this film. The film had a really surprising plot and quite a few twists that were unexpected. I went into the movie knowing there were going to be some plot twists, but nothing really prepared me for what happened. Now, it’s not a full on “horror” film, but it was a pretty intense thriller. If you haven’t seen Don’t Breathe, I definitely recommend seeing it (preferably in a theater). It was so quiet in the movie theater that I felt like I was literally involved in the movie. Everyone feels like they’re seeing something they shouldn’t see. It was definitely more than I expected and I’m pretty impressed with the film.

Lights Out Review

Last night, I went and watched ‘Lights Out’ and I am officially scared of the dark now. The movie was not as horrifying as I was anticipating it to be, but it was still very creepy and thrilling. It is the kind of movie that is constantly keeping you on the edge of your seat. It’s like you know someone is going to jump out, but you are constantly waiting for it happen. Diana was very creepy and I loved the background story of her, it was different. I thought it was more interesting to hear the whole background story of Diana.

I recommend this movie and I think it would be more enjoyable to watch it as a group. I probably wouldn’t want to see this movie alone.

Go see ‘Lights Out’!



5 Movies to Get You Ready for ‘Lights Out’

Lights Out looks like a super creepy movie, and based on the 9/10 reviews I’m really hoping this movie is the horror flick we all deserve. If you haven’t seen the trailer, check it out:

This movie is based off a short film that was originally created by David Sandberg and Lotta Losten. It is just as creepy as the trailer for movie, so it’s no wonder why this is being made into a full on hollywood film!

I have come up with a list of creepy flicks and television shows to get you excited for Lights Out!

1. Are You Afraid of the Dark?

I must admit, as a child this show freaked me out. I have no clue what was going through the minds of the creators of this show, especially knowing children would be seeing this. Thanks to this show I had nightmares for ages. You can find the majority of episodes on YouTube.


2. Nightmare On Elm Street

This is a classic, but a must watch that will for sure make you scared of the dark. Especially, when trying to get some rest. If you have not seen this classic, then stop reading this and go find it somewhere and watch it. It’s about a serial killer named Freddy who haunts the dreams of teenagers and kills them. Definitely a movie to keep you up at night.

3. It Follows

This is one of the most eerie scary movies I’ve seen. In my opinion, I don’t consider it a “horror” film, but more of a thriller. It was uniquely created and I love it for how different it is. After watching this you’ll feel like something or someone may be following you…

4. Before I Wake

Before I Wake is your classic possessed child movie, but the story line behind it is pretty creepy. Of course, the movie itself could’ve been produced better but the fact that the boy’s dreams come true is kind of freaky.

5. Paranormal Activity

I only like the first Paranormal Activity movie. The rest of them are horribly cheesy, and even though the first one is too it’s the best one out of them all. The creepiest part, in my opinion, is the fact that Katie will just stand there and watch her husband sleep. A little creepy…

The Shallows Review


Last night, I watched The Shallows and I must say it was really good. The majority of shark movies are normally very fake and corny, but this one was pretty impressive. It wasn’t the scariest movie ever, but I definitely jumped a few times. It was very intense and sometimes overwhelming. I feel like there could’ve been a better actress for the part, but Blake Lively did do a pretty good job. I would recommend this to those who enjoy movies that keep you on the edge of your seat. The scenery does not change so beware for those who get bored with movies that focus on one location.


The only thing I did not like about the film is that I feel like there could’ve been more with what they had. It was predictable and at sometimes boring, so I think they could’ve really stretched out the shark attacks a bit more. Overall it was a great film and for those thrill seekers definitely go see The Shallows.

Giveaway Time!

If you follow me on Instagram, you probably have already seen my giveaway post. We are trying to gain more followers and trying to get our name/brand out there! Come on over and check us out on Instagram and enter to win a bunch of cool stuff! We are giving away a ‘Pyscho’ shirt, bath goodies from WitchBabySoap, stickers, bigfoot air freshener, wax melts, and more! Definitely worth following and entering. The rules are on the photo, so don’t just sit there, go on over and enter! https://www.instagram.com/creepsterblog/


Also, who is going to ScareFest this year?! I’m definitely wanting to go, still trying to figure out the work schedule and who all is going! Comment below and let me know your plans!



‘Horror Decor’ Shopping!

Hey everyone! I have some exciting news! My friends at horrordecor.net have been generous enough to offer all my readers a 10% discount on their entire purchase throughout the month of May and June! Isn’t that awesome?! ‘Horror Decor’ offers SO many cool products; if you’re a horror freak you HAVE to buy something (especially with this discount)!

When you check out make sure you enter the promo code: CREEPSTER. There will be a little box where you type it in to get your discount!

Some of the products they offer include:

This SUPER cool Camp Crystal Lake candle (which I’m buying). It smells like a bonfire and will almost make you wish you were at Camp Crystal Lake.

I’m already going to spend way too much money, but as soon as I saw this pillow I knew I had to get it. The Shining is my probably my favorite movie, ever. They offer two sizes: Small ($14) and Large ($20). There are several different pillow patterns as well so go check them out!


‘Horror Decor’ also offers kitchen decor as well! You can practically decorate your whole house with all the products this website offers! Check out these super cute Ouija Board Placemats!

Don’t wait, go check out ‘Horror Decor’ and buy some awesome goodies! I want to thank them again for offering the discount to my readers!




Creep Out Your Place!

I’ve been working on gathering “creepy” home decor for a while now and I have realized that it is not easy. I have looked high and low for decorations and finally found a few online websites to share with others who may be looking to do the same.

1. Halloween Store (http://www.halloweentownstore.com/page/HS/CTGY/002SpookyDecor)

Here you can find blankets, pillows, candles, lamp shade covers, kitchen supplies, clocks and it keeps going on and on. Some items can get a bit pricey on here, but it is a great outlet for home decor!

2. Horror Decor (https://horrordecor.net/)

This is one of my favorite websites, especially for those who enjoy the classic slasher films. Here you can find pillows, candles, horror pillow buddies and kitchen supplies. This is website is definitely worth checking out!

3. Pinterest

Pinterest is one of the easiest ways to find horror themed home decor. While searching for home decor most of the time there is a link connected to the picture of where you can purchase the product. It’s fun and easy!

4. Sourpuss Clothing (http://www.sourpussclothing.com/housewares.html)

This website is not focused just on horror themed decor, but they have plenty of it! Sourpuss Clothing is a rockabilly, punk, retro kind of shop that has a lot to offer! There are tons of cute horror themed items in their housewares shop, so go check it out!

This is where I found all of my items that I’d like to have in my place. Do you know of any other websites, please let me know in the comments!


Horror Classics Collection!

Hi everyone!
I thought I’d do a fun post for today and show you guys my (very small) Horror Classics Collection! These figurines are in the Funko© Mystery Mini Boxes! Other than buying them online I have found these in two places, Target and Hot Topic. If you can find them somewhere else please comment below and let me know where you got them! There are only two series so far. Before, I show you the figurines I have I want to let you know I do not have that many figurines yet. I just discovered that Target has these and, sadly, I cannot buy the entire box. Here are the ones I have, so far:

Series One: 

Ghostface (Scream)

I LOVE this one! This is probably my favorite figurine so far. Not only is Scream one of my favorite movies, but it’s just so cute! I love the details of the knife and the mask is just adorable.IMAG0094IMAG0093

Sam (Trick ‘r Treat)

Sam is one of my all time favorite horror characters! He is a smaller figurine that most, but they didn’t skip any details.


Series Two: 

Alfred Hitchcock

Anyone who loves horror understands why I was so happy to see a tiny little Alfred when I opened up the mystery bag. I love the fact that they tied the raven into it, it just makes the figurine so much cooler that it would have been before.


Creature from the Black Lagoon

I have enjoyed that Series Two includes a lot of older classic horror characters, such as the Creature from the Black Lagoon.


Betelgeuse (Beetlejuice)

I can’t even describe the joy I felt when I opened up the mystery bag to find Betelgeuse. All I’m gonna say is the lady in the car parked beside me probably thought there was something wrong with me. I was ecstatic. Beetlejuice is one of my ALL TIME favorite movies. It’s just so cute…



That is all the figurines I have at the moment, but trust me I’m planning on getting more! Do you have horror figures? Tell me about it in the comments! I’d love to know where to find other figures!



Top 5 Summer Horror Films

Hi Creepsters! I hope you’ve all been having a great creepy year so far. Spring is here, but Summer will be here in a flash! As the warmer weather approaches us, let’s not forget some of the best summer horror films to really put us in the mood!

1. Addams Family Values

Obviously, this has to be on the list. This movie isn’t a truthfully “horror” movie, but it’s a much watch. Wednesday and Pugsley show us the true joy of going to summer camp! This movie is such a fun (and even family friendly) film.

wednesdaySource: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwj3mLKfzfvLAhVsx4MKHXQFDdgQjRwIBw&url=%2Furl%3Fsa%3Di%26rct%3Dj%26q%3D%26esrc%3Ds%26source%3Dimages%26cd%3D%26cad%3Drja%26uact%3D8%26ved%3D0ahUKEwj3mLKfzfvLAhVsx4MKHXQFDdgQjRwIBw%26url%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fgiphy.com%252Fsearch%252Faddams-family-value%26bvm%3Dbv.118817766%2Cd.amc%26psig%3DAFQjCNEWD-2nUXzytv-43rvOlXESaEW-0w%26ust%3D1460086696613712&bvm=bv.118817766,d.amc&psig=AFQjCNEWD-2nUXzytv-43rvOlXESaEW-0w&ust=1460086696613712

2.  Friday the 13th
This is an obvious, but critical movie choice. When I think of a summer horror film I instantly think of Friday the 13th and Camp Crystal Lake. The whole summer camp vibe and the feeling you get at camp, when you are excluded from the outside world, assuming you are safe; it gives the whole film an eerie feeling along with the “horror” of it.


3. MadMan
Madman practically defines a corny horror movie. In the opening scenes it shows counselors sitting around a bonfire telling ghost stories, who much more classic could it get? They tell some scary tales and then once they tell the story of Madman Marz, they decide to throw rocks at his home for some unknown reason. This awakens Madman and then shortly, he begins to kill off the counselors one by one. It’s hilariously cheesy, but a must see.

4. Blood Beach
This may be another cheesy 80’s flick, but it’s worth the watch. Beach goers are having a fun time until a sand creature begins to suck people under the sand, leaving no trace. This movie follows two people who are trying to figure out what the creature is and what they’ve done with it’s victims. It’s so bad that it’s good.

5. Jaws

I shouldn’t even have to explain why this movie is on the list. Jaws is the summer horror flick.


Any movies that I missed? Comment below and let me know!


Creepy Cool Christmas Gifts!

Everyone is already asking what I want for Christmas and I have no idea yet! I really don’t think about it until someone asks and then I have no idea what to say. If you’re in the same situation, or if you’re the gift giver and you’re not for sure what to get for your creepy friend, check these ideas out!

Christmas Decorations!
Nothing is better than decorating your Christmas tree with ghosts and goblins, right? Creepy Christmas decorations are always a good idea! Check out this super cool jack-0-lantern ornament from Horrornaments! Cute!


Check out this adorable stocking!

Goth Punk Psychobilly Christmas Stocking Blood Splatter Horror


Etsy is a great place to find art prints and most of the people are freelance artists so it won’t cost you an arm and a leg to buy their work! Find a cute frame and there you go! Perfect gift idea!

Jason Voorhees from Friday the 13th. Camp Blood Diamond framed print.


Donnie Darko Frank the Rabbit Parody Painting, 'Stupid Human Suit' - Limited Edition Print or Poster - Funny Donnie Darko Print Parody


Creepy Kitchen
I have found so many cool creepy kitchen items! These are a great idea, considering that these can be used frequently, if not daily.


Look how cute this spiky mug is!



Someone can buy me these cute knives!


Movies! Movies!
I don’t know if this is just me, but I’m always happy to get some cool new movies! A lot of creepsters I know, enjoy watching scary movies and expanding their scary movie collection. Not everyone is into scary movies, but you can always find something like Young Frankenstein or The Addams Family.


These are just a few ideas! Do you have anything special you want for Christmas? Or ideas on what to get a creepy cool friend? Comment below and let me know!
